Jeuveau Treatments

Jeuveau bottle

Jeuveau® Treatments

Developed using Hi-Pure technology, Jeuveau® is a new FDA approved injectable treatment that addresses the glabellar lines found between the eyebrows commonly referred to as ``frown lines.`` At Concierge Cosmetics & Aesthetics, we love this treatment and the results it provides!

Treatment Information

What Is Jeuveau®?

Jeuveau® is an FDA approved injectable treatment that stops your nerves from telling your facial muscles to flex, which smooths moderate to severe lines between the brows. Commonly refered to as “Newtox,” this revolutionary treatment produces stunning results, helping to provide a youthful appearance in patients.

What Can I Expect From Jeuveau® Treatments?

This treatment can be used in a variety of ways, but most effectively works to improve moderate to severe glabellar lines. Treatments are fast and effective, providing near immediate results for patients.

Is Treatment Painful?

As injections are performed using a fine needle, virtually zero discomfort is felt by most patients.

How Long Will My Jeuveau® Treatment Last?

While results will patient to patient, results from Jeuveau® treatments typically last 5 to 6 months.

Interested In Jeuveau® Treatments?

Contact our office today to schedule a complimentary consultation. We will be happy to review your skin care needs and develop a custom treatment plan to meet your goals!

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