MOXI Laser Treatments

Moxi treatment performed on forehead

Sciton Moxi Treatments

Sciton’s Moxi treatment provides a gentle approach to obtaining radiant skin. Using fractioned wavelength technology, the Moxi BBL provides patients an entry level skin care treatment aimed at producing positive results with zero downtime.

Treatment Information

What Is Moxi?

Moxi is the easiest way to Prejuvenate your skin. Using BBL light technology, the Moxi works to refresh your skin’s appearance by correcting pigmentation that is uneven while improving both tone and texture.

Using non-ablative laser energy to revitalize skin, the Moxi treatment corrects signs of sun damage and aging across all skin types providing radiant, and refreshed skin to patients! Regular treatments aid in improving the appearance of pores, irregularities, texture, wrinkles, and superficial pigment in the skin.

What Can I Expect From Moxi?

Moxi treatment is painless and is available for use all year long. Patients can expect bright and youthful skin, and can utilize treatment all year to ensure that their skin is providing a perfect appearance.

Is Treatment Painful?

BBL laser treatments are typically pain free. As treatments are comfortable for most, numbing cream can be utilized for individuals with hyper sensitive skin upon request.

How Long Will My Moxi Treatment Last?

Results vary patient to patient depending on skin conditions and individual treatment goals. Post treatment, skin may appear red for 1 to 2 days. Micro dots may also appear where the laser was applied. In the days following treatment, these areas heal, will darken, and eventually slough off between days 3 and 5 revealing beautiful, renewed skin beneath.

Depending on treatment goals and the level of damage an individual patient would like corrected, most patients receive 3 to 4 treatments. Following these initial treatments, maintenance treatments are often scheduled at specific intervals throughout the year to maintain beautiful, radiant skin.

Interested In Moxi Treatments?

Contact our office today to schedule a complimentary consultation. We will be happy to review your skin care needs and develop a custom treatment plan to meet your goals!

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